by Bro. King la Cymon

1 Thessalonians 5:24

 “Faithful is he that calleth, who also will do it

One of the characteristics of our God that distinguishes him from other gods, is his attribute of faithfulness. Irrespective of our wrongdoings and short-comings, he continues to show us his goodness. This is why he is not a man, who is overly inconsistent and unfaithful. Man will promise you and fail to deliver on his promises, but God’s faithfulness towards his people is infallible and unconditional. The psalmist alluded to this when he declared in Psalm 23 vs 6 “Surely, goodness and mercies shall follow me”. The word surely there could be paraphrased as “certainly, assuredly and confidently” which means that without an iota of doubt the attribute of God i.e. goodness and faithfulness, follows every true believer. The word faithfulness could be short-changed with trustworthiness and it is a character that is attributed to our God. There are several ways that God shows his great faithfulness;

First, he performs what he promises. God’s promises are recorded in his word, through covenants, and oaths. We see good examples from the Bible with Noah, Abraham, Moses and the children of Israel and the new covenant sealed by the blood of Jesus Christ. A songwriter wrote a song “standing on the promise of God” i.e. upholding the promises of God. But it is rather unfortunate that many believers today sleep on the promises of God, which should not be the case. Once we begin to hold on tenaciously to the promises that God has made to us through his word, we will begin to see them come to manifestation.

“Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering: for he is faithful that promised” {Hebrews 10:23}

Also, he is true to himself. His consistency and immutability are the grounds of his faithfulness. Therefore, we draw our confidence from the fact that he is true to himself, hence he will be true to us.

“God is not a man that he should lie, neither the son of man that he should repent, hath he said it, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” {Numbers 23:19}

Finally, he justifies the confidence of his children: Once we commit our lives to God, he accepts us and promises not to desert us. He does not stop there, he proceeds to cleanse us from “all” wickedness. So what you have done in the past is immaterial, as long as you come to God in forgiveness, the faithfulness of God – to forgive – is being made available.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness” – {1 John 1:19}

Friends, I will like to submit to you that in between the divine call to salvation and the full accomplishment of salvation, the Christian needs faith to watch and wait, to work and walk through the darkness. The rock on which we must build this faith is God’s faithfulness. The consciousness that God’s faithfulness inform of his goodness is following us, is what gives us the boldness to “press towards the mark for the prize of the higher calling of God” like Apostle Paul said in {Philippines 3:14}.  I assure you that the God that has been faithful to us in all ramifications will continue to do same even to you, as long as you join faith with us.

Faithful is he that calleth, who also will do “it”. I do not know what represents “it” in your life today. It could be a job, a contract, a child, admission into a higher institution, God’s faithfulness will overpower the doubt and fears you are experiencing, and give you the upper hand. There is no cause for fear as “God has not given us the spirit of fear”. Fear is “false evidence appearing real” and thus no firmly rooted Christian should tremble in the face of adversity as {Proverbs 24:10} clearly states that “If you faint in the days of adversity, your strength is small”. The trouble is a stepping stone for your breakthrough. Don’t give up on God’s promises because of the situation of things in your country, state or locality; rather be reminded that we move by faith and not by sight. God will not call you and abandon you halfway. We don’t serve a God that abandons projects. “His calling is without repentance” {Romans 11:29}.

Folks, be rest assured that the God of heaven which I serve is faithful to do all the things that he has promised. It may tarry, but it is for an appointed time and it will surely come to materialization. With God all things are possible, so wait for it, pray on it and speak it into existence. Begin to call the things which be not, as though they were; walk in that consciousness in order to experience the faithfulness of God in full measure in this Great month of acceleration