Sunday Service Recap
Good works – Titus 3:8
In the old testament, works are divided into two – Good works and evil works.
In the new testament, works are divided into three – Good works, evil works, and dead works.
Our works no matter how good they are does not grant us salvation. Ephesians 2:8-9
Let me be careful to say, “A man can work himself to death in the church, but if saving grace has never taken place in his life, he will work himself all the way to hell. Matthew 7:22-23
Although we understand that good works have no part in our salvation, we do know that salvation will produce good works, and if there are no good works, then according to Scripture, salvation never took place.
After Salvation, there are four things God expects us to do – Colossians 1:10-11
1. Walk worthy of the Lord to all pleasing,
2. Being fruitful in every good work,
3. Increasing the knowledge of God,
4. Strengthened with all might by his glorious power.
Good works are God’s expectation of us.
Service in-person at –
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